Changing your background

Change the background color for your card!

We get it. Orange might not be your color. Don't worry, Poexis has got you covered!

All you need for this mini-tutorial is:

We recommend using a browser on your laptop or desktop to build your apps, but it'll also work just fine on a mobile or tablet! We recommend you install the Google Slides app from the app store.

In this lesson you'll learn how to:

You can follow along on this page or using this video tutorial!

Changing the background color

Changing your background colors is easy! If you want to change a section's background color:

Congrats! You just changed your background color!

Your new section should look something like this:

Making an image/gif your background image

You can also make an image or a gif the background of a section! It just takes a couple extra steps!

Make sure to select "Title Layout" and not "Title Slide"

Your app isn't ready yet! We've got to add a Scroll sticker to that new slide!

You're almost done! But to make the slides work, you'll have to add a sticker to the slide with your new image.

Congrats! You just changed your background color!

Your new section should look something like this:

Last updated